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The Challenge with ICT in Education

Shortage of ICT in Developing Countries 

High Costs to Setup &

Maintain ICT


1 Computer per 125 Students

In some countries like Zambia its 1 computer per 200 students (UNESCO Institute for Statistics).

A lot of schools in developing countries don’t have ICT programmes, above are just the schools with ICT.

The Power of ICT to Empower the  Future Generation


Impact on Students

“As a result, those participating in the pilot have been greatly empowered, and now believe they can compete in a global knowledge-based economy.”
-      World Links for Development Program , The World Bank Institute

“As a result, those participating in the pilot have been greatly empowered, and now believe they can compete in a global knowledge-based economy.”
-      World Links for Development Program , The World Bank Institute

Impact on Students

Teacher and Student

Enhancing Teachers

“With the help of ICT the classroom teacher(s) can perform better through the use of various ICT materials available at his disposal.”

-     ICT in the Educational System of the Third World Countries

“With the help of ICT the classroom teacher(s) can perform better through the use of various ICT materials available at his disposal.”

-     ICT in the Educational System of the Third World Countries

Enhancing Teachers



Can save an organization

thousands of dollars yearly.

Fast & Easy Deployment

Simple enough for a 10 year to set it up and running in minutes.

Built to Empower

Solutions built around an education environment to learn & grow

Education/ICT Features

Video Content

Access to thousands of videos.

Video Content

Access to hundreds of videos.

Interactive Apps

Run experiments virtually 

Interactive Apps

Run experiments virtually 

50,000+ Resources

Resources ready to enrich students.

50,000+ Resources

Resources ready to enrich students.

Reading Material

Textbooks, story books & more.

Reading Material

Textbooks, story books & more.

Quizzes & Tests 

Track progress & performance.

Quizzes & Tests

Track progress & performance.

Localized Content

Easily create your own curriculums.


Localized Content

Easily create your own curriculums.

Some of the Apps & Resources Included

Khan Academy (KA Lite)

7,000 Videos & 20,000+ Interactive Exercises for subjects like Math, Science, Econ, Engineering & more.


Ted Talks

Bringing ideas that are worth sharing, offline. 2,000+ videos from world thinkers.

Hyrac Tech Launch in Lanet Nakuru, Kenya

The beauty of this whole set up. We had more than 30 students sign up! From little kids as young as 8 years. The experience has been worth more than anything we would have bargained for!

Regular ICT Lab Vs

Hyrac Box Lab

Regular Lab

$17,000/3yrs Costs

Internet Cost Monthly



General Equipment

$129 Setup


25-Person P.C Lab


Hyrac Box Lab

Internet Cost Monthly



Hyrac Box Mobile Server

$150 - $229 (starter package)


25-Person P.C Lab


$2,704/3yrs Costs

$4,000+ Yearly Savings est. 

Majority of educational material is the same & used throughout the entire year.


In turn, schools can update the box with new material and save on data costs on trying to reach the same material daily.


Smart Classroom Initiative

Schools can use the power of ICT in the classroom through a Hyrac Box and Projector.  

  • The initiative will impact more students since most Math, Science and Tech classes are run by one teacher or through one classroom.

  • We will be able to empower teachers with more resources and interactive exercises that would, in turn, make the experience for students more enriching.


Moodle LMS

Get the number one Learning Management Software & customize it your needs.

  • Admin, teacher, and students accounts

  • Personalized & modern user interface

  • Collaborative tools and activities 

  • Quizzes, videos, & more learning materials

  • Calendar for classes & progress tracking



We have had various partners in sectors like education, healthcare, & NGOs use the Hyrac Box Mobile Server to impact people around the world.

a Hyrac Tech Social Company © 2018 

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