
Hyrac Box works as a Mobile Server. Turn it on, then up to 25-devices connect to it via WiFi. Each device can individually surf various resources and apps just like the internet, but offline.

Hardware Features
Supports connection to mobile phones, tablets, laptops, & computers
Supports connection to mobile phones, tablets, laptops, & computers
Offline Support
Access all the features without the need of internet connection

Offline Support
Access all the features without the need of internet connection

Efficient Battery
Optional 4-15 hour battery life, & consumes a low amount of energy.
Efficient Battery
Optional 4-15 hour battery life, & consumes a low amount of energy.
Local Storage
Comes with a standard 64gb and options of up to 400gb space.
Local Storage
Comes with a standard 64gb and options of up to 400gb space.
External Connections
Easily connect to a USB / external storage.
External Storage
Easily connect to a projector or add
content via a USB / external storage.
Quick Setup & Easy to Use
Simple enough for a 10-year-old to
get it up and running in minutes.
Quick Setup & Easy to Use
Simple enough for a 10-year-old to
get it up and running in minutes.

Hyrac Box Mobile Server can be customized to
meet your unique needs. This includes solutions for education facilities, workshops, businesses, NGOs & more.
The box is not limited to just delivering resources, but also collecting and distributing information through various applications.
A Platform
Within a Box

Software Capabilities
Backup Solutions
Save important information online to the cloud once-in-awhile.
Backup Solutions
Save important information online to the cloud once-in-awhile.
Data Transfer Offline
Easily share information between connected devices.

Data Transfer Offline
Easily share information between connected devices.

Build Custom Apps or Sites
Create or transfer your current web
app/site to an offline environment.
Build Custom Apps or Sites
Create or transfer your current web
app/site to an offline environment.
Unique User Data
Users can have access to individual data, tracking, & other local solutions.
Unique User Data
Users can have access to individual data, tracking, & other local solutions.
We Run on Linux
This provides us the best server security, flexibility & technology.

We Run on Linux
This provides us the best server security, flexibility & technology.

Cloud Solution
Experience the cloud locally and enrich collaborations with ease. Through Next Cloud app you will be able to
Share files with unique permissions
Create folders, comment on files & other social features
Create unique accounts, calendars, & more.

Our Hyrac Box will enable you to go paperless, increase productivity and create a unique experience at various events.

Documents, presentations, surveys, quizzes & more.
Easily gather information from an audience in an organized manner

Have an interactive presentation with an audience through polling and more.
Easily distribute important information with multiple users all at once
Ready to build offline applications and don't have a place to run them? The Hyrac Box supports WordPress and other core technologies that allow entrepreneurs to create solutions for the offline market which consists of billions of people.
Build Offline