All the Hyrac Box Edu versions are pre-packaged with the following items below. The 64gb model does not include Moodle, only the 128gb+ models have it. You can also install more apps/resources into the Box / customize what resources/apps you want.
KA Lite
Get ready to bring Khan Academy offline!
7,000 Videos & 20,000+ Interactive Exercises
Self-paced tracking & student performance analytics
Interactive platform
Includes Core Subjects: Math, Science, Economics, Arts & Humanities, Computer/Engineering, Test Prep & More.
GCF Learning
Bringing 21st century digital skills
Computer & Internet Basics
Microsoft Word, Excel & More
Includes More Features: Math, Reading & other subjects
Next Cloud App
Puts your data at your fingertips & under your control.
Store documents, calendar, contacts & photos on local server offline
Students can share data with teacher and teachers to students as well
Have a full experience of the cloud, offline!
Knowledge applied through simulations
Allowing students to run simulations
Education resources
Teaching Material
Includes: Physics, chemistry, biology, and math
Ted Talks
Bringing ideas that are worth sharing, offline.
2,000+ Short Videos
World thinkers sharing information
Thought provoking topics